Cable And Wireless Cwd265 Manual
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Your go-to guide for knowledge on performing installation tasks safely and effectively.
Building on the solid foundations of its internationally recognized predecessor, the new 7th edition of BICSI’s Information Technology Systems Installation Methods Manual (ITSIMM) continues to be the go-to guide for the knowledge and specifics on performing a wide range of installation tasks safely and effectively.
The 7th edition, a product of the combined talents, knowledge and insight of a dedicated group of subject matter experts, contains more than 1,100 pages of cutting-edge material. Care was taken to reflect recent trends and advancements within ICT cabling and applications, such as Category 8/Class I/II cabling, adoption of data center/mission-critical facility methods within common installations, and the increasing commonality of support required by systems that sustain building functions. At the core of the manual are the specifics of performing installation, from laying out communications spaces and installing requisite pathways, to pulling, terminating and testing cabling.
Important topics of firestopping and bonding cabling infrastructure to the grounding system are also present, continuing to focus on providing safe systems after installation is complete. The ITSIMM, 7th edition, concludes with a revised and updated section on specialty systems, such as building automation, ESS and wireless, as well as chapters on project management and retrofits.
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The ITSIMM, 7th edition won an Award of Excellence from the Society for Technical Communication.