Cell Edit Callback Matlab Online
Callbacks for Different User Actions
UI and graphics components have certain properties that youcan associate with specific callback functions. Each of these propertiescorresponds to a specific user action. For example, a uicontrol hasa property called Callback
. You can set the valueof this property to be a handle to a callback function, an anonymousfunction, or a character vector containing a MATLAB® expression.Setting this property makes your app respond when the user interactswith the uicontrol. If the Callback
propertyhas no specified value, then nothing happens when the user interactswith the uicontrol.
This table lists the callback properties that are available,the user actions that trigger the callback function, and the mostcommon UI and graphics components that use them.
Printing History: November 2000 Online only New for MATLAB 6.0 (Release12) June 2001 Online only Revised for MATLAB 6.1 (Release 12.1) July 2002 Online only Revised for MATLAB 6.5 (Release 13) June 2004 Online only Revised for MATLAB 7.0 (Release 14) October 2004 Online only Revised for MATLAB 7.0.1 (Release 14SP1). This code is an example of a callback for an edit text field in GUIDE. When the end user finishes editing a table cell, this function gets all the values in the table.
Callback Property | UserAction | Components That Use This Property |
ButtonDownFcn | End user presses a mouse button while the pointer ison the component or figure. |
Callback | End user triggers the component. For example: selectinga menu item, moving a slider, or pressing a push button. |
CellEditCallback | End user edits a value in a table whose cells are editable. | |
CellSelectionCallback | End user selects cells in a table. | |
ClickedCallback | End user clicks the push tool or toggle tool with theleft mouse button. |
CloseRequestFcn | The figure closes. | |
CreateFcn | Callback executes when MATLAB creates the object,but before it is displayed. |
DeleteFcn | Callback executes just before MATLAB deletes thefigure. |
KeyPressFcn | End user presses a keyboard key while the pointer ison the object. |
| End user releases a keyboard key while the pointer ison the object. |
OffCallback | Executes when the | |
OnCallback | Executes when the | |
| End user resizes a button group, figure, or panel whose |
SelectionChangedFcn | End user selects a different radio button or toggle buttonwithin a button group. | |
WindowButtonDownFcn | End user presses a mouse button while the pointer isin the figure window. | |
WindowButtonMotionFcn | End user moves the pointer within the figure window. | |
WindowButtonUpFcn | End user releases a mouse button. | |
WindowKeyPressFcn | End user presses a key while the pointer is on the figureor any of its child objects. | |
WindowKeyReleaseFcn | End user releases a key while the pointer is on the figureor any of its child objects. | |
| End user turns the mouse wheel while the pointer is onthe figure. |