Persamaan Transistor D438
Fallout 4 adoption mod. PS4 version on XBone version on Since I first started playing Fallout 4 there is one thing that has bothered me to no end. The rate of which people are dying in this world is completely unsustainable when you consider the extreme lack of children. I will kill 1000 adults before I see even 1 child.
Characteristics of the 2SD438-D bipolar transistor
PH2369 NPN switching transistor dbook, halfpage M3D186. 2004 Oct 11 2 NXP Semiconductors Product data sheet NPN switching transistor PH2369 FEATURES.Low current (max. 200 mA).Low voltage (max. APPLICATIONS.High-speed switching. DESCRIPTION NPN switching transistor in a TO-92; SOT54 plastic package. offers 561 transistor 740 products. About 10% of these are Transistors, 12% are Integrated Circuits, and 1% are Capacitors.
- Type - NPN
- Collector-Emitter Voltage: 80 V
- Collector-Base Voltage: 100 V
- Emitter-Base Voltage: 5 V
- Collector Current: 0.7 A
- Collector Dissipation - 0.9 W
- DC Current Gain (hfe) - 60 to 120
- Transition Frequency - 100 MHz
- Operating and Storage Junction Temperature Range -55 to +150 °C
- Package - TO-92MOD