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soal Try Out UN
Read the notice to answer questions 1.
1. What does the notice mean?A. The bees can sting the visitors if they take the honey.B. Its dangerous for the bees if they defend their hives.C. The bees will sting if you defend their hives.D. Its prohibition to pass the honey bees hives.Read the text to answer question 2 4.
2. What is the purpose of the text?
Soal Tryout UN/USBN SD/MI Tahun 2020 Berserta Kunci Jawabannya - Sahabat bospedia yang baik hati dimana saja berada.Nah kali ini admin akan membagikan Soal Try Out UN/USBN SD/MI Tahun 2020 Berserta Kunci Jawabannya. Pos tentang lembar jawaban komputer try out ujian nasional sd yang ditulis oleh Sabila Komputama.
A. To describe about the beast and a castle.B. To entertain others with a story of beast.C. To describe beast and castle in general.D. To retell a story about the beast and a castle.
3. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
A. The beast and Belle got married.
B. Maurice was captured by the beast.C. The fairy cursed the prince into a beast.
D. Belle stayed in the castle to replace her father.
4. He was good looking and very rich. (Paragraph 1).The underlined word has the same meaning with .A. ugly
B. pretty C. beautiful
D. handsome
Read the text to answer question 5 and 6.
5. What is the writers purpose of writing this text?
A. To describe her activities during class.
B. To describe what she usually did.
C. To tell how to do presentation.
D. To retell her experience.6. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?
A. The writer fell to the floor.
B. The writers skirt was wet.
C. The writer made a presentation.
D. The writer went to the rest room.
7. Arrange the sentences to make a meaningful
The best arrangement of the sentence is .
A. 5 3 1 4 6 2
B. 5 3 1 2 4 6
C. 5 1 3 6 4 2
D. 5 1 4 3 6 2
Read the text to answer question 8 12.
8. What is the purpose of the text?A. To describe poison ivy in general.B. To explain how poison ivy causes nasty harsh on the
C. To explain how to avoid poison ivy from our
D. To describe what poison ivy is like.9. What happen to poison ivy in the Spring?A. The leaves fall off.B. The leaves turn green.C. The leaves become shiny and red.D. The leaves turn yellow, orange and red
10. Paragraph four talks about .
A. The habitat of poison ivy.B. The way to plant poison ivy.
C. The pattern of poison ivys leaves.
D. The changing colors of poison ivy.
11. We can see huge amounts of poison ivy in the
following areas, EXCEPT_______.A. at edges of lawns . Throwing shoulder pain relief.
B. at edges of forests.
C. at edges of deserts.D. at edges of rivers.
12. turn yellow, orange, and red before they drop off. (Paragraph 3). The underlined word mean. A. to drag
B. to fall C. to increase
D. to decreaseRead the text to answer question 13 15.
13. Who invited Bulkis to watch the dance?A. Annisa Jamilah
B. Her uncle C. Her father
D. Her mother
14. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the dance?
It was ________.A. colossal.
B. held in the morning.C. about Rama and ShintaD. held in Prambanan Temple.
15. What is the purpose of the letter?
A. To invite Annisa Jamilah to watch colossal dance.
B. To retell Annisa Jamilahs activity during holiday.
C. To retell Bulkiss activity during holiday.D. To describe a colossal dance.
Read the text to answer question 16 19.
16. The text is about ______ a blog.A. the contents of
B. the steps to install
C. the steps to create
D. a class for designing17. The participants should pay ____ if they choose one
time payment tuition.A. $ 97
B. $ 194
C. $ 240
D. $ 249
18. Make money from your blog.
What does the sentence mean?
A. The blog can be used for running a business.
B. We can design a blog and it needs a lot of money.
C. The owner of the blog should have enough money.
D. The visitors can send the money through their blog.
19. Create a stylish design blog
The underlined word has the closest meaning with.A. use
B. makeC. composeD. construct
Read the text to answer question 20 24.
20. What is the first paragraph about?
A. Living more 10 days without water
B. The importance of water
C. The content of water
D. Water in the body
21. How does water clean the body?
A. By keeping the balance of mineral in the body
B. By carrying oxygen and food for cells
C. By bringing the waste in the urine
D. By using water to work
22. Why does an athlete drink more water than a bank manager?
A. He drinks an average of eight glasses of water
B. He needs much more water than whoever
C. He spends most of his time in his office
D. He does a lot of physical exercises
23. Which of the following statement is NOT TRUE according to the text?
A. 65% of human body is water
B. We should drink at least eight glasses of water a day
C. A football player needs water as much as a bank
manager.D. We will be healthy of we drink eight glasses of water a day24. Someone cannot move well if there is not enough water
in his body. The antonym of the underlined word is ____.
A. sufficient
B. abundant
C. adequateD. lackRead the text to answer question 25 and 26.
25. What is the purpose of writing the text?
A. To comment on someone on his success.
B. To congratulate someones success.
C. To honor someone of being success.
D. To celebrate someones success.
26. From the text we understand that ____.
A. the sender of the card is his classmates.
B. Irfan got a trophy as a reward.
C. Irfan won the match easily.D. Irfan got the first winner.
Read the text to answer question 27 and 28.
27. The registration will last for hours.A. five
B. four
C. threeD. two 28. Which one is CORRECT based on the text above?
A. All students may join the competition.
B. The competition will be held in the morning.
C. Teachers and parents have to attend the registration.
D. English club is the most favorite club at the school.
Read the text to answer question No. 29 and 30. Fri.Group 1Group 2Group 3Group 4
09:00Rope craftingUsing toolsUsing FlagGiving first aid
10:00Using FlagFire buildingWaterfront survivalGiving first aid
11:00Using toolsUsing FlagGiving first aidWaterfront survival
13:30Fire buildingWaterfront survivalGiving first aidUsing Flag
14:30Team buildingGiving first aidRope craftingUsing tools
15:30Waterfront survivalGiving first aidTeam buildingFire building
09:00Giving first aidRope craftingDoing Morse codeDoing Morse code
10:00Giving first aidTeam buildingUsing toolsRope crafting
11:00Doing Morse codeDoing Morse codeFire buildingTeam building
29. The text is written to .A. inform the activities in the camping site.
B. announce the camping schedule.
C. describe the camping program.
D. promote the camping program.30. Which group will have Rope crafting on Saturday?A. Group 1 and 2.
B. Group 2 and 3.C. Group 2 and 4.
D. Group 3 and 4.
31. Arrange the following words into a correct
felt but excited I tired my holiday after 1 2 3 4 5 6 7The best arrangement of the word is .
A. 6 1 5 2 4 3 7
B. 6 1 2 5 4 3 7
C. 4 1 5 2 3 7 6
D. 4 1 3 2 6 5 7
Read the text to answer question 32 and 33.
32. When will the farewell party be held?
A. At noon
B. In the morning C. In the afternoon
D. In the evening33. Its a big honor if you could come.
What does the word you refers to .A. The students
B. Syahrur RaziC. Mrs. Wardahty
D. Syahrur Razi and friends
Read the text to answer question 34 37.
34. Where will we go if we want to see the old shop
houses in Singapore?
A. in china town
B. in the beach sidesC. in the business district
D. in the shopping centers
35. According to information above, we cant meet .. in
A. the zoo.B. the restaurants.C. the old shop houses.
D. the government buildings. 36. What is the topic of the third paragraph?
A. Singapore as an island city.B. Many old buildings in Singapore.
C. Most of Singapores citizens are Chinese. D. Singapore as a famous shopping center.37. Most of the goods are duty free.
What does the underlined word mean?
A. it has no jobs. B. the products are free sold. C. the products are new released. D. the products are free from the tax.
Read the text to answer question 38 and 39.
38. The text mostly tells us about .A. The function of a mixer.
B. How to maintain the mixer.
C. The steps how to use a mixer.D. The general description of a mixer.
39. What should we do before we lower the beaters?
A. Switch the mixer on.
B. Press the speed collector.
C. Depress the ejector knob.
D. Put the ingredients in a bowl.
Read the text to answer question 40 and 41.
40. What is Aulia Sari doing now?
A. Borrowing book.B. Keeping the book.
C. Meeting the teacher.
D. Staying in the library.
41. What is Aulia Saris purpose to write the message
A. To tell Raudhatul to borrow
Mata pelajaran
Program Studi
: Selasa/ 12 Februari 2008
: 07.30 – 09.30 (120 Menit)
PETUNJUK UMUM 1. 2. 3. 4.
Isikan nomor ujian, nama peserta, dan data pada Lembar Jawaban Komputer. Jumlah soal sebanyak 35 butir. Pada setiap butir terdapat 5 pilihan jawaban. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum anda menjawabnya. hitamkan bulatan pada jawaban anda di Lembar Jawaban Komputer dengan menggunakan pensil 2B 5. Tidak diijinkan mwnggunakan kalkulator, HP, table, ataupun alat bantu yang lain. 6. Kerjakan dengan serius, untuk mendapatkan gambaran tentang kesiapan anda menghadapi Ujian Nasional. 7. Berdo’a sebelum memulai mengerjakan soal.
Text 1 Long time ago, in a peaceful side of this country, there lived a boy, named Raka, and a girl named Nimas. Raka and Nimas had been good friends since their childhood. However, there was something that led them to be apart. Nimas and her parents had to move to another town. But they believed someday they would meet again. Nimas said that she would be waiting for that moment. Then, there was Raka, left alone. What a poor boy! Since that moment Raka and Nimas lost contact. Many years passed. Like what Nimas said, finally they met again after a few years apart. But, they had changed. Nimas had grown to be a pretty young woman, while Raka a handsome young man. Soon, they fell in love with each other. Raka always came to Nimas’ house. Nimas parents welcomed him well because he was a good young man. But, the happy moment didn’t last long. One day, Nimas’ parents heard a bad news about Raka. Somebody had said to them that raka’s father was a bad person. Since that moment, Nimas’ parents dislike him. They were worried that Raka would be just like his father. They warned raka to stop seeing Nimas. Nimas had to break up with Raka. The young lovers felt that it was unfair. Nimas’ parents could not judge Raka that he was a bad guy just because of his father. But, they never gave up. They kept trying to see each other, and of course, to ensure Nimas’s parents that Raka wasn’t like what they thought. One day, something terrible bad almost happened to Nimas. The day was already dark. Nimas walked alone on her way home. On the way, three men stopped her and tried to do bad things to her. Nimas screamed, but nobody heard her cry for help. Fortunately Raka came to help her. He straightly fought those men. He won and Nimas was safe. After that, Raka took Nimas to her house. In front of her parents Nimas told what just happened to her and how bravely Raka had saved her. Nimas’ parents felt grateful and felt sorry what they had done to Raka. At the end of the story, Nimas’ parents approved of their relationship. 1. Which statement is true according to the text? a. Raka left Nimas alone. b. Raka and Nimas were classmate. c. Raka and Nimas promised to meet again. d. Raka and Nimas lost contact for many years. e. Raka and his parents moved to another town.
2. What does the second paragraph mainly tell us about? a. Raka was a handsome Youngman. b. The coming of Raka to Nima’s house. c. Nimas had grown to be a beautiful young girl. d. Nimas’ parents believed that Raka was a good young man. e. The meeting of Raka and Nimas again after a few years apart. 3. Why did Nimas have to break with Raka? a. Raka was a badperson. b. Raka’s faher was a bad person c. Nimas thought that Raka’s father was a bad person. d. Nimas thought that Raka’s parents wasn’t like what her parents thought Nimas’s parents disliked Raka because they heard that Raka’s father was a bad person. 4. In what paragraph did Nimas’ parents disagree to the relationship between Raka and Nimas? a. Paragraph 1 b. Paragraph 2 c. Paragraph 3 d. Paragraph 4 e. Paragraph 5 5. “Like what Nimas said, finally they met again after a few years apart” The underlined word means …. a. cutting the love. b. Had been waiting c. Had been longing. d. Met each other again. e. Didn’t meet each other. Text 2 The Novotel Batam is an easy sail from Singapore only 35 minutes from the World Trade centre. It is located in the city centre, with an easy access to spectacular golf courses, shopping entertainment district and other points of interest. Splendid sea view overlooking Singapore skyscrapers, the 4-star ‘Business Class’ hotel is Batam’s most prestigious hotel, with a total of 254 modern and stylist rooms, suites and apartments. Dining out often begins at Belanga’s restaurant where Asian, Chinese, western and buffets of international dishes; the pub and bar offer cool refreshments anytime of the day or night. Three flexible meeting rooms stage memorable events for the groups of 10 – 150, and the Grand Ballroom welcomes
receptions of 1000 people. Sport and recreation provides a full-time aerobic instructor, gym with stage-of- facilities for massage and sauna. An indoor pool highlights the sundeck and roof top. 6. What does the text describe about? a. Batam b. Novotel Batam c. World trade centre d. Belanga’s restaurant e. Singapore skyscrapers 7. What is the main idea of the second paragraph? a. Novotel Batam is located in the city centre b. Novotel Batam has 254 modern and stylist rooms. c. Novotel Batam has three flexible meeting rooms. d. Novotel Batam equips with sport and recreation facilities. e. Novotel Batam is the most prestigious 4stars Business Class hotel 8. Why did the writer write this text? a. To retell the events b. To entertain the readers c. To share amusing stories d. To inform about Batam e. To describe Novotel Batam 9. The following are characteristic of Novotel Batam, except …. a. It has three flexible meeting rooms stage memorable events for the groups of 100 – 1500 b. It is the most prestigious 4-stars Business Class hotel c. It equips with sport and recreation facilities d. It has 254 modern and stylist rooms. e. It is located in the city centre 10. Splendid sea view over looking Singapore skyscrapers the 4-‘Business Class hotel … The underlined word means… a. Good b. Wide c. Unusual d. Impressive e. Distinguish Text 3
Is X-Ray Examination Necessary? Students, do you know that there are many opinions concerning the use of X-Ray and others don’t agree to the use of X-Ray?
Well, some people agree that X-Ray examination is beneficial. They say that doctors should use X-Ray in examining a sever illness. If doctors don’t use X-Ray, they will miss some important information which is very useful in making a diagnose on the patient’s disease. And this will sometimes cause the doctor inaccurate in prescribing the medicine to cure the illness. Not all patients agree with the use of XRay examination, however. Do you know why? Guess what? They think that using X-ray examination will cost them a lot of money. That’s really true. Another reason is the radiation of X-ray has some risks to the body tissues. Well, As a result of this controversy, many people are planning a traditional health cure to avoid the high cost of hospital care. Whereas hospitals insist on having X-Ray examinations on patients to get an accurate diagnose although her cost is very high. 11. What does the text tell us about? a. E-Ray examination b. The inside part of our body c. The radiation of X-Ray d. A hospital equipment e. A medical tool 12. Why do doctors prefer to use X-Ray examination before making a diagnose? Because…. a. The cost is expensive b. The patients will suffer from disease c. They need some important information which is very useful in making a diagnose on patients disease d. There is risk in using X-Ray e. X-Ray examination is unbeneficial 13. What cause many people are planning a traditional health care? a. The frightening experience of using an X-Ray b. The high cost of hospital care c. The side effect of the use X-Ray d. Many people are disappointed in using X-Ray e. The wrong idea of many people 14. What does the Argument ‘against’ say? a. Some people agree that X-Ray examination is beneficial b. The doctors should use X-Ray in examining c. Not all patients agree with the use of XRay examination d. The patients think that using X-Ray examination will cost them lower e. People are planning a traditional health.
15. Whereas hospitals insist on having X-Ray examinations on patients to get an accurate diagnose . The underlined word means …. a. maintain b. persevere c. persuade d. discuss e. diagnose Text 4 Government should solve problem of using formaldehyde in food. As the country’s food and drug monitoring offices across the archipelago found that formaldehyde is being used in food such as tofu, fresh noodles and sea food, many products of those products wonder that they are going bankrupt because they lost their customers since the media announced that issue. Most of the producers of meat ball are home industry. Though they do not use formaldehyde in their products, their customers are afraid to eat their products. This situation will affect their income. It will be difficult to stop producers from using formaldehyde as it is the cheapest preservative but the government has solve this problem in order to ensure that people eat healthy food and small businesses survive. It is not fair to treat all tofu, salted fish, fresh noodles as containing formaldehyde. How will small business survive? It would be counter productive to the government own effort to encourage small and medium business. So there must be a research into cheap, safe and alternative preservatives in order to avoid using formaldehyde in food. 16. What problem has been discussed in the text? a. The country’s food and drug monitoring offices b. Tofu, fresh noodles and sea food. c. Using formaldehyde in food. d. Small and medium business e. The cheapest preservative 17. What is the main idea of the second paragraph? a. Government should solve problem of using formaldehyde in food. b. there must be a research in order to avoid using formaldehyde c. It will be difficult to stop producers from using formaldehyde d. Most of the producers of meat ball are home industry. e. Costumers are afraid to use formaldehyde
18. Which is not argument given by the writer? a. Many producers of those products wonder that they are going bankrupt because they lost their customers since the media announced that issue. b. The problem of using formaldehyde in food was found the country’s food and drug monitoring offices. c. It will be difficult to stop producers from using formaldehyde as it is the cheapest preservative. d. It is not fair to treat all tofu, salted fish, fresh noodles are containing formaldehyde. e. Most of the producers of meat ball are home industry. 19. What is the writer suggestion? a. It would be counter-productive to the government own efforts to encourage small and medium business. b. It would be counter-productive to the efforts to encourage small and medium business. c. There must be a research into cheap, safe and alternative preservatives. d. Ensure that people eat healthy food. e. Don’t eat products using formaldehyde. 20. Government should solve the problem of using formaldehyde in food. The underlined word means …. a. drug b. salt c. boric d. formalin e. antiseptic Text 5 A brief Summary of Speech Production Speech production is made possible by the specialized movements of our vocal organs that generate speech sound waves. Like all sound production, speech production requires a source of energy. The source of energy for speech production is the steady stream of air that come of air that comes from the lungs as we exhale. When we breath normally, the air stream is inaudible. To become audible, the air stream must vibrate rapidly. The vocal cords cause the air stream to vibrate. As we talk, the vocal cords open and close rapidly, chopping up the steady air stream into a series of puffs. These puffs are heard as a buzz. But this buzz is still not speech. To produce speech sounds, the vocal tract must change shape. During speech we continually alter the shape of the vocal tract by
moving the tongue and lips, etc. these movements change the acoustic properties of the vocal tract, which in turn produce the different sounds of speech. 21. What does the text mainly tell us about? a. The air stream is inaudible. b. What we need to produce sounds. c. The movement of our vocal organs. d. How to generate speech sound waves. e. The process of making speech production 22. What is the main idea of paragraph 3? a. The vocal cord open and close rapidly b. Speech production is made possible by specialized movement. c. The vocal tract must change shape to produce speech sounds. d. Speech production requires a source of energy e. The air stream must vibrate rapidly. 23. What make our stream vibrate? a. a series of puffs b. the vocal cords c. the air we exhale d. a buzz e. the puffs 24. What does speech production need? a. the vocal cord b. speech sounds c. a source of energy d. steady stream of air e. speech sound waves 25. “Like all sound production speech production requires a source of energy” The underlined word means …. a. uses b. needs c. wears d. utilizes e. produces Text 6 London: A British couple booked themselves into a clinic to quit smoking after the vet said it was the only way to save their beloved sick parrot. Kevin Barclay and Sharon Wood gave up a 50-cigarette-a-day habit to save their Amazon orange-winged parrot J.J, said the vet, Glen Cousquer of the South Beech Veterinary Surgery in Essex, southeastern England. “One of the key things that we need to get right with parrots generally is air quality,” he told Reuters. “This particular bird presented
with very severe respiratory problems. The owners were instructed to do everything they could to improve the bird’s environment.” “I think I must have shaken the owners up quite badly, because the next time I saw them they actually had booked themselves into one of these anti-smoking clinics and were determined to stop. They’ve gone for five weeks,” he said. J.J, he said, “is doing really well. It is certainly going to improve his life expectancy.” It may help the owners, too. 26. This text mainly talks about .. a. the British couple who booked themselves into a clinic to quit smoking b. Kevin and Sharon who gave up smoking to save their parrot c. the British couple who quit smoking to create a healthy environment d. Kevin, Sharon, and their parrot who wanted to have a clean environment e. the couple’s beloved parrot which was seriously ill 27. What is the main idea of paragraph 1? a. Kevin Barclay and Sharon Wood gave up a 50 cigarette-a-day habit b. Kevin Barclay and Sharon Wood were persuaded to give up smoking c. Kevin Barclay and Sharon Wood could improve the bird environment d. Kevin Barclay and Sharon Wood booked themselves into a clinic to quit smoking to save their beloved sick parrot e. One of the key things that Kevin Barclay and Sharon Wood need to get right with parrots generally is air quality 28. Why did Kevin Barclay and Sharon Wood give up a 50-cigarette-a-day habit? Because .. a. They wanted to save their Amazon orange-winged parrot b. They were persuaded to give up smoking c. They need to get good air quality d. They were sick e. They wanted to help J.J. 29. How long have Kevin Barclay and Sharon Wood stop smoking? a. one week b. two weeks c. three weeks d. four weeks e. five weeks 30. “This particular bird presented with very severe respiratory problems.” (Paragraph 3)
The underlined phrase means .. from. a. Got b. Retained c. Affected d. Suffered e. Offered Text 7
SNOW LEOPARDS Snow Leopards are solitary wild cats that live in the snowy central mountains of Asia. Snow Leopards are in danger of extinction due to loss of habits, loss of prey, and over-hunting; few Snow Leopards are left in the wild. Snow Leopards are fast runners, good swimmers and excellent climbers. They often hide their food in trees. The Leopard’s call sounds like a raspy couch, not a roar. Leopards live up to 21 years in capacity. These graceful, medium-sized cats grow to be about 3,5 feet (1m) long; the tail is about 3 feet (0,9m) long. Adults weigh from 60 – 120 pounds (27 , 55 kg). Males are larger than females. Snow Leopards have dark rosettes on a creamy white background, camouflaging them in the snow and rocks. Cubs are grey when they are born; there are 2-3 cubs in each litter. These large cats are carnivores (meat-eaters) that hunt wild sheep, marmots, picas, hares, birds, and the other animals. Snow Leopards hunt mostly at dusk and at dawn; they are nocturnal. 31. The text tells us about… a. wild cats b. Asia Leopard
c. carnivores d. Snow Leopards e. Extinction animal 32. The main idea of the last paragraph is … a. Leopards are carnivores b. Leopards eat bird c. Leopards live in the forest d. Large cats are good hunters e. Leopards hunt mostly at dusk 33.What make Leopards camouflage in snow? a. Dark rosettes on a creamy white background b. Because of excellent climbers c. Because of fast runners d. Its raspy couch e. Cub are grey 34. Snow leopards are solitary wild cats that live in the snowy central mountains of Asia. The sentence shows … a. Abstract b. classification c. Orientation d. identification e. Description 35. Snow Leopards have dark rosettes on a creamy white background, camouflaging them … The underlined word means …. a. covering up b. concealment c. façade d. changing e. disguising